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7 Tips to give Presentations like a Boss

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    Team MathExact

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Ever since covid, we've all seen a rise in remote work, and it has transformed how we communicated and collaborated before. Giving presentations remotely over Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams is the new normal of any working professional or student.

Presenting remotely has it's own set of problems, and in this blog post we will discover how to overcome them. Let's see 7 expert tips to improve your online presentations, and to ace your next Zoom call.

1. Always log-in Early

Always arrive early in your virtual meeting, it helps you check whether your internet, microphone, speaker etc is working properly or not. A small check that everything is fine, gets you a little boost of confidence and helps you avoid any technical hiccups along the way.

2. Prep it up

Practise presenting to yourself beforehand the virtual meeting. Familiarize yourself with the tool you will be using (Google Meet, Zoom, Powerpoint, Google Sheets etc). Knowing how to navigate through the tool can help your presentations go smoother.

3. Dress well

Even though you are working from home, and are in your comfortable space. You should dress well according to the audience you are presenting to. A well-dressing gives you another small boost of confidence, and makes sure that your audience is not distracted by your clothing.

4. No one like the Background Noise

Always try to present from a Quiet and clutter free space to present from. Any background noise, background clutter or untidy background will divide the attention of your audience, and will distract you as well.

5. Interaction is the key

Make sure that you are not just speaking throughout your presentation. Remember to interact with your audience time to time, by asking them questions, sending polls etc. You can even try something as simple as, Does anyone has any doubts on this one?

You can try addressing participants by name and acknowledging their contributions etc as well. That always helps you to better connect with your audience.

6. Maintain Eye Contact

This may be not a very popular opinion, but remember to look directly into the camera rather than your screen for most time. People on the audience side will be feel a more personal communication that way.

7. Get comfortable with Slides

We often fumble during our presentations, that can easily be avoided if you practise transitioning between your slides. This is again a small boost to your confidence.


And that's it. In this blog post we saw some tips on how to ace virtual presentations like a boss. Keep learning!